EFF Fighting Mass Litigation in Court

by computerextrme02 on Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) continues its effort to protect thousands of file-sharers accused of copyright infringement by asking judge to split up mass lawsuits so that the defenders can be ensured to have fair right to individual justice, claiming that each case has no connection with the others.
A federal D.C. court is about to hear oral argument from the EFF about splitting up the mass lawsuits on copyright violation brought up by the USCG (US Copyright Group), arguing that it’s inappropriate and unfairly to target so many BitTorrent users at once.

Over three months ago, the USCG began its mass litigation by targeting over 20,000 BitTorrent file-sharers that are accused of distributing an unauthorized copy of either of the indie movies “Call of the Wild 3D,” “Far Cry,” “Steam Experiment,” or the others. In addition, last month the USCG succeeded in convincing the creators of the Academy Award-winning film “The Hurt Locker,” who were very sad about dismal box office ticket sales, to enter the same type of litigation, offering the accused quick settlements worth up to $2500 if they preferred to avoid much larger penalties for copyright violation that could occur at the court.

Since then the EFF and ACLU joined their forces to fight these mass lawsuits. The ventures argue that D.C. courts even have no right to hear such mass violation cases, as the plaintiffs has yet to prove the fact that the courts have jurisdiction over the unknown defendants, whose identities are only determined by IPs. On this issue even the US Copyright Group admits that IPs can only provide a general geographic area for targeted users, but yet still wants to gather them all in one D.C. courtroom. The reason they name for it is the BitTorrent’s architecture, due to which each BitTorrent user is a part of a swarm, or a single transaction liable for exchanging copyrighted content.

Nevertheless, the EFF and ACLU still think it is unfair to demand thousands of users from all over the U.S. to bear the cost in money and time to arrive to a D.C. courtroom just for answering charges for a crime which most likely took place far away. Meanwhile, that might be the main reason for the USCG to hope that most of the accused will decide to settle out of the court instead of spending the same money for travelling. Not so fair either, is it?

July 5th, 2010

Continued Criticism on ASCAP Letter

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The hot topic for discussion is now the ASCAP’s letters with accusations against outfits like Public Knowledge, Creative Commons and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) of undermining copyright. Of course, this action set off a firestorm in all the circles of creative industry, including ASCAP members. Creative Commons was the first company to comment on the letter campaign, now the EFF has entered the field.
It was last week that ASCAP launched its letter campaign asking its members to donate a special lobbying fund in order to fight organizations like EFF, Public Knowledge, Creative Commons and technology companies. If ASCAP just asked its members to donate to their fund without specifying on what purpose, it would get more return, actually.

The letter sent out to the members said that forces of the companies mentioned above are now mobilizing to undermine the copyright while promoting “copyleft” by spreading the word that the copyrighted music should be free. Then it pointed out to the future for digital music: the performers would find it harder to earn any money, causing the music dry up, and leaving the music consumers as the final losers.

Right after Creative Commons, the EFF hurried to comment on the campaign. The spokesperson for the outfit doesn’t believe that ASCAP characterized its work and mission properly. On the contrary to what ASCAP says, the EFF thinks musicians should be compensated for their work, and that’s why it has such interesting proposals for that as Voluntary Collective Licensing. Its concept is quite simple: the entertaining industry creates a few collecting societies, offering file-sharers the opportunity to become legal for some reasonable payment, for example $5-10 a month. Well, actually, the rate should be below that, because even such services as Rhapsody offer you any music for the same money. Anyway, so long as they pay, people are free to share their favorite music, like they are doing now – using any software on any platform – but without fear of being sued. The proceeds get then divided among copyright owners according to the popularity of their works.

It can be clearly seen that the main goal of the EFF is to keep a balance and ensure that the technologies go on empowering people as users and creators. The EFF would be gratified if ASCAP understood that like many of its members.

July 5th, 2010

RIAA Launches “Music Rights Now” Campaign Calling for “Three-Strikes”

by computerextrme02 on

The RIAA went the as far as to launch “Music Rights Now” campaign aimed at making the public lobby their elected officials for introducing a stronger protection measures for copyright. In this regard the RIAA holds up countries like France, New Zealand, the UK and South Korea as a model, i.e. all countries having “three-strikes” regimes.

It seems to be a really tough time for the RIAA trying to convince the domestic ISPs to disconnect formerly loyal, paying users, arguing that it would only be in the providers’ best interests. It might be the group’s desperate effort to create “Music Rights Now” campaign targeted at the individual who are asked to petition their elected officials in order to force them to introduce a “three-strikes” legislation and allow to disconnect repeat accused infringers.

It took about a decade of suing individual infringers for RIAA to admit it failed to stand in the way of peer-to-peer services. Then the RIAA announced about 2 years ago that it felt that despite the fact that the litigation succeeded in increasing the awareness of the public on the issue of the consequences of unauthorized file-sharing, the group still wanted to try another strategy that might be more successful.

That new strategy was about forcing service providers to enter the voluntary agreements allowing to disconnect unauthorized file-sharers (in other words, to implement voluntary “three-strikes” regime). Unsurprisingly, the strategy has failed at once, because ISPs were aware that there’s nothing in it they can benefit from. They also seemed to understand that the plan served only to protect the failed business model of the entertainment industry at their own expense.

Now the RIAA launched another bold-faced effort to get what it wants. In its call to the individuals it says: “if you believe music has value, please ask your elected officials in Congress to do their best in order to protect music from online infringement”. As if it was the pipe dream of the music fans to ask for a “three-strikes” regime for themselves.

In addition, the RIAA fails even to provide the grounds for enhancing the protection of copyright owners. As a Harvard Business School’s last year research found out, the number of albums produced has increased twice since the arrival of P2P.

July 3rd, 2010

The First BitTorrent Series Launched

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The pilot episode of the non-TV “Pioneer One”, a donation-funded series, is made available on the BitTorrent tracker website site VODO specializing on indie movies. 6 more parts of the “Pioneer One” are expected to follow later. The project releases some hints at the future of.
The best thing about peer-to-peer networks and services is that they provide the creative artists so many ways to target the audiences that have never been possible before. Both moviemakers and performers can release their works to fans in those parts of the globe where the traditional physical distribution may be financially impractical or just impossible.

Here the sci-fi drama called “Pioneer One” goes. This peer-to-peer TV-series was produced for as much as $6,000 and released via the indie movie BitTorrent website Vodo.net.

Once made available, a week ago it managed to become the most popular series on the BitTorrent accounting for more than a quarter million counting and downloads, thus leaving much more well-known shows from the likes of HBO and the BBC far behind.

The producer of the show, Josh Bernhard, said he’s just ecstatic that the pilot version has already reached so many people throughout the globe. Well, BitTorrent is no less exciting on this issue, as it shows perspectives: performers are able to directly target fans, as there aren’t any material gatekeepers in this scheme that would determine what work will or won’t be released.

Jamie King, the creator of the VODO network, announced that the success of this series was really great news for the entire peer-to-peer community, because now they have the possibility to distribute content that rivals and is going to soon surpass the amount of the mainstream media. In addition, the community is handed out a new working business models benefiting creators.

They were the fans who sponsored “Pioneer One”. They have donated over $10,000 to the creator of the series in order to make it possible for him to film more future episodes. The sponsorship deal of VODO, created for the show, shares profit with producers too, assuming that their target of gathering $30,000 for new episodes will undoubtedly be met.

The plot of the series is the investigation of an object fallen out of space, discovering a forgotten relic of the Russian space program, coming back to our planet to influence the whole world.

July 1st, 2010

P2P on Google’s Android Phones

by computerextrme02 on

Unauthorized file-sharing keep increasingly spreading from the desk computers now to smart phones with Google’s Android OS, thus reducing the entertaining industry’s efforts to fight piracy almost to zero.

It actually was only a matter of time that downloading illegal music became available on the powerful smart phones made today. The first devices providing a possibility to get this feat are smart phones running Android OS from Google, considering Apple’s Nazi-like grip on programs. Since it only started, it is sure to be this way for at least some time.

Such applications as MP3 Music, Tunee Music or Music Junk enable users to download music the same way as when using any other common peer-to-peer software. The smart phones bring in the only difference: the user isn’t able to share files, while those downloaded are grabbed from some anonymous place or a third-party server that can be identified.

The users’ comments on these applications prove that the one called Music Junk seems like the best of them. One user-tester was delighted to say that the program managed to find anything he was looking for, with another noting that the application provides much better search results than its online twin.

In fact, Google has developed a policy stipulating the removing of application from the Google Android Market only provided that the software breaks one of the list of conditions, including the following: contains malware; it’s unauthorized; pornographic, obscene; or copyright infringement.

Talking about the P2P software, one should admit it obviously violates the last condition. However, it actually doesn’t matter after the program has been developed and made available online beyond the Android Market.

Once the RIAA was aware of this, it asked Google to delete the application immediately when they emerge. The representative for the RIAA said they are aware of existing of such applications and the similar stuff. He also announced the industry has made Google also aware of software violating their own policy and facilitating unauthorized activity.

In return, Google said that it can’t actively control what kind of software is posted to make the Android Market remains an open channel for promoting mobile programs. So far most of the users chose from those available the Music Junk.

July 1st, 2010

Victim's Body as Important Crime Scene Evidence

by computerextrme02 on Friday, July 2, 2010

Corpse as a Crime Scene

When investigators scan the crime scene for evidence, their search centers around one crucial evidence to the crime – the victim's body. Indeed, the condition of the crime victim can indicate many information that led to the victim's death and those information are crucial during investigation. The dead victim's body is a silent witness to the crime and qualifies as a physical evidence.

Therefore, autopsy is often conducted at criminal laboratories to determine the cause of death, the items used to kill the victim, and all other factors that contributed to the execution of the crime.

Examining Victim's Body

Aside from the evident cause of a victim's death, the body is sent to laboratory for further examination that could point as evidence to the crime. During the examination or analysis of a victim's body, crime scene investigators look for common evidence that provide valid information about the crime.

Different methods and equipments are used to gather evidence that can be used to identify the cause of death to the victim. There are several resources found on the victim's body that will help link together with the other physical evidences found by investigators at the crime scene during the initial examination. When they match those found on the victim's body, then it will provide a valid conclusion to the investigation.

Evidences To Look For

When crime scene investigators inspect the victim's body for possible clues to the crime, they follow a few standard protocols. There are basic criteria that investigators follow so they do not simply conduct a random search of the body but follow a methodical approach. The following are some of the criteria used when examining a victim's corpse at the crime scene:

*How is the victim's skin condition?
*Are there any skin marks or signs of struggle between the victim and its perpetrator?
*Was the scene where the victim laid to rest the same where she had been actually killed?
*Was the victim's position her original position when she died or is she intentionally posed that way?
*Is the victim nude?

All these factors play a major role in providing the initial information that investigators can gather for the crime case. Plus, it will also set the stage as to what other evidences they need to look for in relation to the condition of the victim's body upon arriving at the crime scene. Below are just some of the other type of evidences that investigators can search the victim's body for.

Body Fluids

This type of evidence can be mechanically recovered at the crime scene upon the initial examination of investigating officers. However, it can be analyzed further at the criminal laboratories to identify what type of body fluid was found at the victim's body. It can either be a blood stain, seminal fluids, or some other types of fluids, but they all point to what transpired during the actual crime.

Moreover, criminal investigators must also look into where specifically in the victim's body the particular fluid was found. In some cases, the detection of seminal fluids in a victim's body indicate that the victim was raped by the suspect before she was killed.

Latent Prints

The main goal behind a crime scene investigation is to identify the suspect involved in the crime. And all evidences gathered at the scene are intended for that same goal. Therefore, investigators use various equipments and techniques to recover latent prints, such as fingerprints, that would lead to the identification of the suspect.

Tools of Crime Scene Analysis

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Crime scene investigators follow methodical approach when they attend to a crime scene. But this job consist not just the part of gathering information and evidence. There is also the interpretation and analysis part to it. Depending on the extent of the crime committed and whoever is involved, its size and structure can vary greatly. Therefore, crime investigation officials and agencies have provided tools for these investigators to be able to achieve better accuracy in analyzing evidence from a crime scene.


This part of gathering evidence is crucial because the crime scene will eventually be cleaned out. Then, you will never have the opportunity to recreate the crime scene to get the essential pieces of evidence that would help solve the case.

When shooting photos at the crime scene, you need to provide four overlapping angles of the pictures you include in your collection of photographic evidence. This will help cover the basic dimensions needed to investigate the crime. There are five things you can do with the camera that will help a crime case:

*document evidence
*verification of witness testimony
*additional source of materials for crime analysis
*recording the scene
*producing a visual recreation of the crime scene

Crime Scene Diagram

Creating a sketch of the crime scene when you arrive before gathering evidence is a mandatory step. When you do this, make sure to write the sketch on a clean paper to do it legibly. When producing a rough sketch, consider the outer perimeter of the crime scene. Then, break down the entire scene into parts such as rooms, driveways, paths, or other landscaping features that contribute to the analysis of the crime. If possible, include small details that impact the whole.

The importance of a crime scene sketch or diagram is similar to taking pictures of the crime scene, which is basically to produce a concrete idea of how the crime scene looked like. This will help the investigators properly assess the events that led up to the committing of crime. If you are not skilled at sketching, then opting to take a picture of the crime scene is a more reliable means to document evidence.

Human Models

When you take measurements of the crime scene so that you can recreate it at the crime laboratory for further analysis, it is also important to measure the victim's body and its position in relation to the crime scene. The victim's size, weight, or stature could impact how investigators analyze and recreate the scene leading up to the crime. This will also enable investigators to hypothesize on the suspect's physical dimension, which can be revealed on whether there are signs of struggle or not. Later on in the interpretation of evidence, you can compare notes and date with that of the medical examiner to see what is the real cause of death for the victim.

Crime Analysis Software

In a modern society, software technology has provided more convenience for everyone. In the case of crime scene investigation, softwares play a crucial role in analyzing evidence that would normally take investigators lots of time to figure out.

These are a few basic types of softwares used in analyzing crime scene evidence:

• Image editing software – This is used for verification, alignment, and archiving of all photographic evidence gathered in relation to a crime case.
• Drafting and modeling software – Useful in recreating the various dimensions of a crime scene so that the different angles involved can be considered.
• Photogrammetry software – It allows investigators to come up with accurate measurements on objects or models on photographs taken at the crime scene.
• Presentation software – This one produces the slideshow presentation for a more interactive recreation of the crime scene while highlighting the evidences found.

Preservation and Collection of Evidence

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Evidences within a crime scene could take on many forms. Therefore, you could easily move objects or touch any item without realizing that you are actually destroying a potential clue for a crime's solution. Crime scene investigators are aware of the standard procedures involved upon searching a crime scene in order to keep them intact for interpretation and analysis. Since each type of evidence offer its own individual value for the crime scene investigation, below are a list of evidence with some of the procedures done to preserve their original condition.

Fingerprint Evidence

Any type of prints, whether palm prints or bare footprints, are considered to be valid evidence of an individual's presence at a crime scene. There are a few basic materials you need to collect samples of fingerprints and yet it a very strong piece of evidence. Any items in a crime scene that are incapable of moving, like fingerprints, need to be processed at the crime scene using any type of powder such as gray, black, or black magnetic powder. Aside from collecting items, fingerprints are one of the top priority at a crime scene.

Marks or Scars

Bodily marks or scars are common amongst crime involving any type of assault. When collecting them as evidence, crime scene investigators normally require a special type of camera that is capable of capturing such evidence for use later on in the analysis stage. If possible, take as many pictures as you can from many different angles. This will help not only in the analysis but in the consistency and validity of such marks and scars as evidence. If there are any visible impression produced from the bite marks, then you can probably work on creating a cast out of that. It could help in matching with the suspect's teeth after the lab results are revealed.


Indoor crime scenes produce several search opportunities for the crime investigators because you are not limited within the actual scene of the crime. You can also have access to other documents that could point to the identity of the suspect or motive behind the crime. For instance, questionable documents or handwriting samples can be used to trace the identity of a suspect by conducting matching tests. You can also use such documents to search for fingerprint patterns. Most crime scene investigating team have their own expert questioned documents examiner to handle this type of job.

Body Fluids or Stains

Blood or seminal fluids are important during crime scene investigation. It can be tested in the criminal laboratory to get DNA samples that will help identify the suspect. As opposed to other types of evidence that will only provide clues, this one is strong indicator of an individual who committed the crime. When it comes to collecting samples of dried blood or other fluid stains, you can follow the steps below:

• If an object is stained by a given type of fluid, then you can bring that object for examination at the lab.

• If the object cannot be transported, you can use a fingerprint tape. Place the tape against the part of the object stained with the fluid and lift it to get the stain.

• You can also use scraping devices to remove the stains from an object and secure them in a container or plastic bag. Make sure that the plastic bags you use are air dried to avoid diluting the dried fluid you acquired from the crime scene.

Shoeprints and Other Impressions

Impressions and tracks produced by the suspect's shoes are a positive evidence that could help identify the suspect. Therefore, tire tracks or shoeprints are often what crime scene investigators look for at a crime scene. Tracks or impressions can offer many things to the investigation. First, it can point to an identity of a suspect. Second, it can also help you follow the tracks to indicate where the suspect is headed to, whether he is traveling on foot or riding a vehicle.

Methods of Crime Scene Investigation

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Crime scene investigation is categorized as science, precisely forensic science. Therefore, it follows methodical steps similar to any scientific research in order to arrive at a conclusion, which in this case is being able to identify the person responsible for the crime. Here are the basic steps in processing a crime scene.

Securing the Scene

The ability to preserve the crime scene in its natural state is one of the most important steps toward solving a crime. However, it is easier said than done. Curious onlookers could easily gather around while others will attempt to transfer the victim's body out of the site. However, you must not try to alter the crime scene as it can help provide valuable clues in piecing together evidence. Upon arriving, ask any other officers or crime investigators who arrived before you if any changes where made on the crime scene. It could be as tiny as opening windows or doors or moving the body from its original position since it could remove potentially important evidence to the crime.

Any crime scene investigator realizes that a crime scene is three-dimensional. Hence, you need to ensure that not only one aspect of the crime is preserved but also all areas are covered. This will allow you to take on different approaches to crime investigation later on when you reach the stage where you have to interpret the evidence. If any changes were made to the crime scene, then the evidence you have gathered loses its authenticity.

Examining the Scene

Processing crime scene is a tedious process, but this is your first big step towards the end since this is practically the step wherein you gather information and evidence you will use for analysis later on. Proper documentation of the scene involves gathering evidence, taking pictures of it, and extending your search for evidence you might have possibly missed.

Your first basic step before going about scouring the scene for evidence is to create a sketch. If there are any physical features of importance to the crime, include them in the sketch. This will help assess the geographical location of the crime and other physical factors that could come into play.

Then, move on to the physical appearance of the victim's body. Create detailed notes of every bit of information you gather. What type of clothing is he or she wearing? What condition is it on? Are there any bruises or wounds on the body? This could all indicate whether any struggle went on before the victim was killed at the scene.

Interviews and Testimonies

Onlookers can prove to be an annoyance to the ongoing crime scene investigation. However, you can look around for possible testimonies that would help provide more clues to the crime. For instance, if anyone could possibly have spotted the criminal before escaping from the crime scene. If there are any, then you could ask them for physical descriptions of the criminal. It is best to approach such testimonies with skepticism but still consider them as potentially helpful factor in crime solution.

Photographic Evidence

Taking photographs of the crime scene should begin the very minute you arrive. This will enable you to document every step of your crime scene investigation. This will also help ensure that you gather photograph of the crime scene despite if physical alterations were made on the crime scene. All entry points toward the crime scene must also be photographed. Focusing on entry points provide investigators an idea on how one can have access to the crime scene, which is essential in the investigation proper. Again, items of evidential value must be photographed as well. This will help you validate the detailed notes you have gathered upon arriving at the crime scene.

Analyzing and Interpreting Evidence

This is the last but most difficult step in crime scene investigation. It will gather together evidence, whether physical or photographic, and investigators will place them side by side with all the testimonies you have gathered along with any observation you have made while examining the crime scene. Some evidence might be required for examination in the laboratory to get more in-depth analysis of the evidences, such as prints that will point to the identity of the criminal.

Impression Evidence and its Impact on Investigation

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What is Impression Evidence?

Impression evidence is a major contributor to move a crime scene investigation forward. Basically, it is a type of evidence wherein objects retain their characteristics or create an “impression” on other physical objects within a crime scene when it is stamped or pressed against each other. Because they are hardly noticeable unless closely examined, most impression evidences are overlooked during examination of a crime scene. Therefore, it is important for crime scene investigators to re-examine the site of a crime in order to verify other evidences that have been missed, especially impression evidence.

This type of evidence are categorized as two things: impressions made on either hard or soft surfaces. Moreover, there are two dimensional impressions wherein investigators can determine the width and length of the object that left an impression on a given surface. Meanwhile, there are also three dimensional impressions that add depth to the width and length measurement. Therefore, the latter type of impression evidence enable crime scene investigators to have a more precise idea of what type of object might have left that impression.

Its Importance to Crime Scene Investigation

If you have witnessed crime scene investigations, whether actual or on TV, you should have noticed that investigators use objects such as microscope or magnifying glass during examination. These items are useful in recognizing impression evidence that are not normally visible with the naked eye, so assistance of these tools enable investigators to find more precise evidence.

Fingerprints are an example of impression evidence that is very useful in pointing to an identity of the person involved in a crime. Any form of print or impression gathered from the crime scene are examined for DNA profiling. These steps or prints left by a suspect on the crime scene are recognized as valid evidence in court and is used to testify the person's present at the scene when the crime was staged.

Types of Impression Evidence

There are several types of impression evidence, but there are a few common ones that investigators search for at a crime scene. These provide valuable clues that will enable investigators to put together all events that might have transpired at a scene. Some impression evidence, if strong enough, could even point to a suspect's identity.


Fingerprints are impressions left by a suspect at a crime scene when they touch objects or even the victim's body. Since fingerprints are not readily visible, investigators use specialized powder in order for the fingerprints to become visible during examination and analysis. Fingerprints have been honored at the court as a valid evidence that could solve the identity of a crime suspect.


Identifying latent footprints are similar to developing latent fingerprints. They use the same technique and equipment for the procedure. Investigators look for such impression on tiled floors, chair bottoms, cabinets, or counter tops. Once such impressions are mechanically recovered, they use tapes to lift it off and slid into a plastic for later examination. Those impressions can be used for matching and identification.

Tool marks

This particular impression is typically found at areas of entry. They are used to identify what methods of force was used by the suspect to gain entrance into the crime scene, whether it is a house or apartment.

Tire Tread

When suspects escape the crime scene riding a vehicle, crime scene investigators also use tire tread impressions left on the soil, mud, or any type of surface where the suspect drove towards. However, if the suspect drove through grass or carpet, the effect produced by the passing of the tire mostly rebounds and leaving not enough impression on the surface. But they can be vital evidence used in a crime scene investigation to point to which direction the suspect driver was headed to.

Importance of Eye Witnesses on Crime Scene

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Weight of Witness Testimony on Crime Investigation

Once crime scene investigators have scoured the scene for physical evidence that will provide clues to indicate what transpired before the crime happened, they then turn to finding eyewitnesses to the crime. There were several crime cases before that were solved due to testimonies provided by witnesses to the crime, provided that it is associated with the evidence found at the crime scene.

Some courts favor witness testimony as a crucial factor that could move a crime forward. As long as it coincides with the physical evidence gathered at the crime scene, it has the potential to put criminals behind bars. But still, there is a bigger question of whether the person giving testimony is telling the truth or not. Hence, forensic experts and investigators have come up with a more valid approach on how they can utilize testimonies provided by eyewitnesses to the crime to move the case forward.

Analyzing Eyewitness Testimony

Expert crime investigators has encountered several eye witnesses providing testimonies for certain crimes. Throughout the years, they were able to adapt a technique that allows them to identify testimonies provided by eye witnesses to see if there is any truth to the statements they have provided for crime officials. This is crucial because any wrong assessment of evidence provided and found can lead to an innocent individual suffering from a crime that another has committed. More than the need to serve justice for the crime committed on a person, this is one other motivation for crime scene investigators to be able to reveal the truth.

Eyewitnesses utilize their sense of vision in coming up with the facts provided at their testimony. Therefore, crime scene investigators try to assess innocence or guilt on the witness when delivering their testimony. Eyewitness identification aims to unveil two things: either the supposed eyewitness is honestly confused or if they are just being plain dishonest about the statement provided.

Accuracy of Eyewitness

Crime scene investigators and analysts utilize only the evidence available to them in coming up with a verdict. Therefore, wrong verdicts can be pointed towards lack of valid evidence or witness testimonies. And yet, witness testimonies are subject of recent debate about its role on solving crimes. There are different factors that could impact the truth behind the testimonies provided by eyewitnesses to crime scene investigators.

Role of Memory

• Capacity for retaining details, especially specific ones. Most people who witness a crime are unable to recall the exact details of crime that they witnesses, only able to remember general ones. Human memory does not have the same advanced abilities such as a video camera wherein you can replay it over and over, and it will still be able to retain the clear picture of the scene they witnessed.
• Feeling of fear. The constant feeling of worry or fear of being tracked down by the criminal responsible for the crime could often play within the witness' mind. Therefore, it reduces their capacity for memory and make them uncooperative at solving the crime at hand.
• Missing details. When you witness an event and you are asked to recall it, you often find yourself missing a few tiny pieces that no matter how tiny can impact the whole event. It is human nature to supply or replace those missing details. In the case of crime scene investigation, supplying details can lead to error.

Importance of Examination Gloves During Crime Scene Investigation

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Precaution at Crime Scene

It is a standard universal protocol at the crime scene that investigators do the best they can to preserve the natural state of the scene. Meaning, it must prevent any form of alteration as it can affect how evidences are gathered or interpreted, as well as the loss of potential evidence to the crime. There are also hazard prevention measure included in this practice, knowing that a dead corpse is involved in the crime scene.

But more importantly, emphasis is placed here on the preservation of the body and the overall crime scene. All of these factors contribute in arriving at a theoretical recreation of the events that could help solve the mystery of the crime.

Use of Latex Gloves

Latex gloves are among the most commonly used items by criminal investigators upon arriving at the scene. It serves various purposes: it helps preserve the original condition of the crime scene, prevent investigators from leaving their own imprint to the scene, and also protect them from chemical or biological hazards involved when working at a scene of a crime. However, protection against scene contamination is only secondary to the use of latex gloves since its main purpose evolve around crime scene processing.

When crime scene investigators work on processing evidence in the scene to reconstruct it, their main objective is to prevent their skin from having contact with any of the physical evidence. Aside from that, it will also prevent them from contaminating the evidence, and vice versa. Hence, wearing of gloves on the crime scene is mandatory.

Procedure in Using Gloves

Now that the concept behind wearing gloves during crime scene investigation has been established, crime scene technicians are looking at improving the methods of preservation of a crime scene. The main objective of using gloves is to prevent investigators from leaving their own fingerprints on the scene. However, many claim that it does not offer enough protection anymore. Therefore, new recommendations for using gloves at a scene would require investigators to use a minimum of two latex gloves to be worn. This is most essential when investigators are required to handle items or evidences.

Also, experts suggest that investigators use only approved type of disposable gloves at the crime scene. Latex gloves are one of the highly accepted type of gloves to use, while others prefer the liquid barrier rubber gloves. Other type of gloves that can be used include vinyl examination gloves and various nitrile gloves.

About the Result of Crime Scene Examination

As methods of crime scene investigation continue to improve, investigating officers and crime scene technicians are looking for more effective ways in which they are able to conclude the results of their investigation. Evidences are an important factor to consider, therefore all efforts are focused on preserving the natural condition of these evidences. Gloves are common items used at the crime scene to aid to this objective. However, recent findings have shown that even these gloves can still produce evident fingerprints on items handled at the crime scene.

Therefore, research are thoroughly conducted in order to determine the best type of gloves to use for the job. Latex gloves produced minimal markings and indiscernible patterns or ridges. Meanwhile, other types of gloves such as nitrile had visible markings but the fingerprint ridge detail cannot be observed. Vinyl gloves, meanwhile, were able to prevent palmar reflections through the glove.

Choosing the proper type of gloves to use during investigation are crucial in preserving latent print at the crime scene. This factor is being closely looked into by expert investigators to increase accuracy of their investigation results.

How To Prevent Destruction of Evidence at Crime Scene

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Upon arriving at a crime scene, experts suggest that you follow a protocol of stages when it comes to examining the area to help prevent destroying evidence. During the early stage of your examination, crime scene investigators cannot assess which type of evidence will contribute in solving the case. Hence, gathering them all for analysis later on will help the progress of the case.

First Level of Search

This will consist the most superficial and basic level of the search. Here, crime scene investigators will try to identify the most efficient search pattern to be used for the environment available at the crime scene. Crime investigators and experts have predetermined search patterns for a given type of crime area. For instance, if its inside an apartment, they'd be using the “zone” search and the “grid” search is done on open areas.

During this level of the search for evidence at a crime scene, investigators use only their eyes as tools for the search. Hence, none of the potential evidence are moved or altered. Investigating officers also come in groups, such that another set of eyes will review the area in case one officer misses a given evidence.

Second Level of Search

Unlike the first level of search in a crime scene investigation, this level is more thorough. It allows the movement of objects within a crime scene after the original pattern of the crime scene has been documented or photgraphed, provided that it offers only minimal intrusion from the original crime scene setup. Here, you can look through closet doors, underneath home furnitures, or inside drawers.

For items that investigators conclude to produce significance to the investigation, they will be marked with numbers. Hence, it will mark previously noted evidence and take note of what else could be found in the scene.

Third Level of Search

Of all levels of search within a crime scene, this one is the most intrusive. Aside from merely opening drawers or closets, you can empty them for a thorough search. Just like with the second level, make sure to mark anything you find that could potentially contribute in the progress of your search. In addition to searching and marking items, this level of your search during crime scene investigation will involve your search for patent or latent prints. Chemicals can also be used to detect any type of fluid that is found on the crime scene, whether it be blood or some other type of bodily fluids. They are collected and later tested on crime laboratories for further evidence.

One of the most crucial elements in the third level of search within a crime scene is having proper documentation for all evidences collected before it is destroyed. To review the search, there are also some other methodologies employed such as final walkthrough or preliminary survey.

Additional Tips

Whether you are part of the investigating team or a mere onlooker, everyone has a contribution at preserving a crime scene and all present evidence. Onlookers or witnesses are most likely the first ones to arrive at a crime scene. Here's how you can contribute in preserving evidence for the investigators to find later on:

• Respect barricades and boundaries created by crime scene investigators at an area. This is aimed at preserving evidence.
• When you are first to arrive at the scene, prevent anyone else from entering a crime scene until crime investigators arrive.
• When you witness a suspect took off with their vehicle, jot down license plate numbers or vehicle descriptions.

Examining and Studying Evidence at Crime Scene

by computerextrme02 on

When crime scene investigators reach a certain crime scene, they employ different approach since there are differing elements involved. Despite the complex difference for each one, investigators employ basic investigation protocol that are necessary steps toward finding clues for a given crime.

During Crime Scene Examination

Upon reaching the site of the crime, investigators approach in a methodical and careful manner. Search for evidence then begins. If there are other officer/s who have reached the scene first, most would start to gather information already available. Since you cannot prevent people from gathering around a crime scene due to curiosity, you must emphasize the need to preserve the crime scene since any slight changes could intervene with the investigation efforts.

If there is a body involved, examine it for wounds or any items that could motivate the crime. If not, then carefully observe around the area surrounding the body. If there are any items of evidential value, then take note of them. Every investigator knows that there are three dimensions to a crime scene, so examine all of them closely. When writing notes, always put details to them so you can have proper context for all evidence gathered. Reproducing a sketch of the entire crime scene is also mandatory.

Photographic Evidence

Aside from verbal statements or written observations made by crime scene investigators, photographs are one of the most powerful evidence you can use when investigating a crime. Some of the crucial evidence you need to take a photo of include:

*Overall crime scene – It should be able to indicate where the crime took place, on what part of the city or on which street.
*Crime scene in clockwise pattern – This should be taken before any alteration is made on the victim's body's position. You need to photograph at least 2 different angles of the same scene.
*Immediate vicinity – Aside from the body itself, you need to photograph its direct vicinity.

After you have taken substantial amount of photographic evidence, keep a photo log so you can easily refer to them whenever you stumble upon other related evidence.

Searching For More Evidence

If there are other investigators with you in a crime scene, have them retrace your steps. This will help you find more evidence you might have missed during your initial search. In a crime scene investigation, any tiny piece of evidence could be the missing link in solving a crime so you can never discount any evidence out.

When scanning the scene for evidence, avoid touching the body or any items within the scene. This could intervene with the analysis of latent fingerprints later on. The intensity and scope of your crime scene search depends largely on the conditions at hand.


In terms of using fingerprints as evidence, it can be categorized based on the following:

• Hidden or latent prints – The term indicates that the prints are not visible. Using the prints on the bare feet or palmar surfaces of the hands, it can help identify the person involved in the crime.

• Visible or patent prints – This type of prints are caused when a suspect acquires foreign substances such as ink or blood, and then produces a mark when it touches other surfaces.

• Molded or plastic prints – This type of print enables a person to produce a mark on objects with pliable surfaces such as wax, soap, or adhesive. There are also cases wherein impressions are left on the body of the victim.

Onlookers and Eyewitnesses

People who are present during or after the crime can either prove to be of help or nuance to the crime solution efforts. Your most important objective after arriving at the crime scene and when the number of onlookers continue to grow is the preserve the crime scene. Once you have gathered enough evidence on the actual crime scene, you can utilize the observatory skills of these people to gather potentially helpful information. When gathering information from these people, you should approach it with a certain level of detachment. After all, any information or evidence you gather at the crime scene is still subject to verification before it can be confirmed to produce of any significance to the actual crime.

All About Crime Scene Investigation

by computerextrme02 on

What is Crime Scene Investigation?

Crime scene investigation jobs have been popularised by several hit crime shows on TV. Hence, many desire to perform these jobs. But the truth is, solving crimes and crime scene investigation as a whole is a very complicated job that requires both theory and practical application.

As the name implies, crime scene investigation requires you to observe, gather evidence, and analyze any information you can get at the crime scene. You will then use those data to hypothesize what took place on the crime scene, what caused the death of a victim, what method of attack is used, and the like. Presence of evidence that would help point to the identity of the suspect must also be gathered. Although this process appears to be quite simple, it is such a complex job that even learned crime scene investigators require years of working experience before they are able to develop skills needed to become better at this job.

There are multiple ways in which you can study, examine, and analyze evidential items that can help boost your crime analysis. However, all of these methods are grounded at a few basic protocol followed when processing a crime.

Scene Processing

This is the initial and most crucial aspect of crime scene investigation. Several methods and skills are involved in this step of your crime scene investigation. Processing the scene of the crime involves the interview process with eyewitness for potential information needed in solving the crime, taking photographic evidence of the crime scene and the victim's body in relation to the crime scene, more intense evidence search, sketching the crime scene, and a few other photographic evidence that could help solve the crime puzzle.

This is the step that determines the success of your succeeding criminal investigation efforts because it involves the collection and documentation of evidence for future reference. One other factor that makes the scene processing a vital aspect of crime scene investigation is that you cannot re-create a crime scene once you have failed to gather all the information you need for further crime analysis.

Evidence Knowledge and Interpretation of Evidence

What will you do with the evidence if you lack the knowledge to interpret and analyze them? Proper methods of analyzing and handling evidences is crucial in an effective crime scene investigation. Therefore, it is a strong suit that will help keep the crime investigation going. Other evidence need to be further studied at criminal laboratories either to see if there are any fingerprints, or to see samples of blood or other substances. There have been several instances in the past wherein the DNA of the criminal is found on the evidences gathered at the crime scene that led to their arrest.

Criminal Case Processing

The ability to scan crime scenes for evidence, interpreting and analyzing them to find conclusion for a given crime is not a job suited for everyone. It requires specialized skills and knowledge, especially in terms of the technical aspects of the job such as analysis of blood samples, fingerprints, blood patterns, and other tricky part of the investigation.

Once evidence have been examined, you will then put this side by side with any testimony you have gathered from witnesses. The objective is to have a mental recreation of the events during a crime. During the recreation, investigators can factor in some possible angles of motivation for the crime that would help trace the suspect.

The Significance and Importance in Designing a Web

by computerextrme02 on Thursday, July 1, 2010

Web design has a significant rule in attaining the goal of a certain institution or any organization that relies on this technology of communication. The importance of web sign has a big part in reaching a success, a realization of future's plan.

For those who are trying to make business with the use of website, the importance of web design is a factor that needs to be considered. It does not end by just making a web and have it available. Internal factors such as season, category, and target spectators must be given a big part on this outlook. You must have a unique identity. Competitors are the number one enemy that we should conquer. A web's identity must unify oneself different from the others. No copyright and no copycats, so a whole web must be identified only with your own name and, appearance, structure, and the entire look. These then will sees the whole web design significant to deliver an effective approach reaching one's goal.

Web analysis is another factor that needs a closer look. Data's and analysis must be reliable so the flow of traffic will satisfy the expectation. This could be based on the data's and analysis of a reliable source, or you can have it fulfilled by your own team. It may take some time but remember that the web will serve as of your company's mirror. With consideration to your website designer, it is a must that you choose a well experienced designer whose job and previous works were a success.

The web design may be in form of HTML or a dynamic site. For e-commerce sites, they usually prefer to have an HTML page as this will serve as an online brochure. A dynamic site is a type of design where database are driven based on demands. It could display a test or survey results and inventories. Remodeling is another big factor that needs to be taken into account. This would give a fresh look to your visitor and you can put new updates to show that the web is updated real time. Information on the sites must be reliable and well driven. It must be informative and direct to the point. It must based on facts and something that has been studied and it must be proven and tested.

Compatibility check is another thing to manage. This could be a reason why other people can't access your site due to incompatibility issues. Java's, HTML, page loading must well update based on new software available. And the interface must be user friendly. Accessibility with tools easy to use can be helpful for benefactors to stay browsing on your web. The last factor is the keyword. It is better that your keyword is unique but it must be easy and is common to everybody. In this case, they can optimize your web thus giving traffic to your site. The importance in web design is the key to reach the goal and maximize its potential towards success.

The Good and Bad Side of Web Designing

by computerextrme02 on

In every aspect of everything is the good and bad side. In some cases, we are trying to find some ways to make life better. However, every action goes with a positive and a negative result. Same with a company's web, we decided to make a website so we can gain potentials. All we have to do is just to consider the pros and cons of web designing.

In this article, I will lay down all the pros and cons of web designing. In that way, awareness will be notified and necessary action will be performed. The good thing is that, we were able to maximize the full potential of the web and just minimized the least consequence making a bit helpful to develop the areas of improvement to an asset.

If we just choose the right design of our website, we were able to do businesses even if customers won't go to a local office. Secured payments thru online processes are well protected. And even if the local office won't work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, customers still have the access to log in to your web making it easy for them to check your products and services. Subscription and membership will be self-guided. This is to avoid hassle in the local office getting in a long and jammed line. There are some webs that are designed to leave a customer comment, thus making it an advertisement to the consumers end as the word of mouth based on other customer's experience. This will make savings to do marketing strategies and advertisements. The most advantage of this online thing is the possibility to expand worldwide. If the website is designed to give full access to people all over the world, then some memberships might come from overseas, which is a potential of expanding abroad.

The disadvantage of web design is very minimal. And most of the time, this is something that we give less attention to. The pros and cons on this web design is just a small percentage that we can consider if we talk about the negative part. One most common problem is about the customer's comment. A lot of websites give the customer an access to put and publish anything that they wish to. So if they are not satisfied or misguided by your website's tool, then it could be something to consider as a heavy burden. There is a big possibility that the customer will leave something negative on the website making it visible for everybody, thus loosing the potentials.

The pros and cons of web design is a factor that we should consider but it doesn't give any heavy burdens at all. The negative side is manageable and most of the time, it's minimal. The key is if you follow the right technique and strategy, there isn't a need to be worried about. If you are confident that your products and services are good enough to handle the benefactor's end, it would then be a full blast of expectation for a good investment and profitable line.

Techniques on Building a Good Website

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A good business will always find ways to maximize its company's assets. It does not mean that a business must have a maximum manpower though. Some areas need to function without any manpower, like the website for example. In this case, a good technique, and following the guides in web designing will be the key.

There are ways on how to implement better guidelines in web designing. While sticking with the guidelines, it will perfectly work if techniques are associated well. Harmony must be the way in this process. The first guide is regarding the web designer. Corporations have their IT department to take care of this. A board will assign an IT head and the IT head will facilitate the maintenance and upgrade of the web. This is a good option, as the IT people will be governed with company's rules and guidelines. For small and medium sized businesses, they will most likely hire a firm to do their web as they consider this as a one-time deal. This option could save money though.

Make it sure that the web design will be governed with guidelines that you laid down to your web designer. The result will be subject for some editing before the web is publicly published.

Match of identity. Your web design must guide you for a matched identity of your image. There must be a purpose why you made a website. You may want it locally, or maybe international, advertising or even online store. The design must be balance giving it an image of your company's purpose. In this way it will be more interesting to stay on your web and harmony will be accounted.

Information on the web is another guidelines to be observed. Before publishing something on the website, make it sure that the information is reliable, so when the customer inquires about the insight, you have something as a reference of proof. This may take some time and needs some effort but this is worth. Information will guide a company's trust as well as building of the clients to base their thing on your web.

Guidelines must be updated depending on season. Seasonal changes may cause ups and downs on the business. Get prepared and use effective approach to aim for betterment and improvement. Application is hard to follow at most time but it only needs discipline and a role model. Then the rest of the team will just do the implementation if they can see that the owner themselves are regulated with the company's rules and guidelines thus making it more effective and every aspect of the team will be dominated with their own rules and action.

Innovative technology is another big guidelines to follow in web designing. An innovative mind and application will result an advancement of company's growth and expansion. Don't limit your ability to expand and conquer the industry. It is a risk to take at first but it is a potential to reach the peak of success.

Steps on Building and Designing a Good Website

by computerextrme02 on

There are only few ways and steps to follow on web designing. If you just follow it by procedure, you will definitely have the perfect website right for your need. It starts from simple to the most complicated one but the process would still be the same. It is just the technique that varies at most time.

There are five basic steps that you can follow and derive your web from. The first process is simply to create. It may sound hard and complicated but it is actually the process that takes long. There are variations of software that you may use to build one. But this process must be a free flash web at first to make it less complicated. And then start the customization of your web's text, template, and even images. After the simple free flash web, you may try to have it published and see how it looks like.

The second basic step is choosing an appropriate design for your web. There are web templates that you can use from the web. Design may vary for your purpose. You may want a web for personal use, or in some cases, for businesses. Just match the characteristics of your website to the insight of your thoughts, harmony, and balance. Making it more attractive and harmonious will improve the web's appearance and ability to gain visitors. Building a website that is unique from the rest. Considering the features and galleries. This time, you can add an astonishing page or it depends on a kind of page that you wanted, making your page comfortable for your eyes.

Compatibility check must be considered. Make it sure that your web must be compatible to all users regardless of their windows or interface. There must be no need for them to download any plug-ins or extra software just for them to access your web. It may be a big hassle for visitors to download software just to match it with your program. Visitors will easily leave your site if they find it boring or hard to access, and downloading software may need some time. Others don't download software easily. They would prefer to leave your website than downloading additional software to view your web.

Finalization is still the final process. This will include reviews, check, test, and program tests. The entire task done from the previous four steps will be tested here. In this way, you will need to have a test environment. This environment will serve as the actual and live area where you may test the ability of your web to run smoothly. If there is a need to change or develop a certain feature or page, you can do the editing in this process. The ability of the web to do and catch the attention of the visitor will varies this test. You would consider the test to yourself and have it running for a couple of times. Have it check with the entire team, and receive any comments and suggestions.

These steps on web designing will allow you to make the process easy and fast. Though this is just the basic steps and procedure, you can also apply this to a most complicated website. Variations may change but the process and steps will still be the same.

Security Measures on the Process of Web Designing

by computerextrme02 on

For those who are planning to make a website or even web improvement, there are precautionary measure that needs to be consider to protect your website. Web site and its security will give you a peace of mind while business is on the go.

I will share to you the top of the lists well-proven and tested precautionary measures so you will have the peace of mind while the web is running smoothly. First on the list is identifying the security risks and have it assessed. It is important that you classify the factors and have it checked on the policy. There must also be a person responsible to take care of it. Assign somebody to take care every leakage. If the web has a very simple data, then you can just implement basic guidelines. But if it is very sensitive, you may consider an analysis that will identity any possible threats that the website requires which can help the development team.

Take a quick view of the entire website. It not just about security, after a secured process is applied, make sure that you review your website and information's must be accurate, complying with the standards and laws, avoid any unauthorized use of materials, compatible to most users, and must be fast and easy to access. Don't trust anyone your data. Data leakages is very rampant, make it sure that your computer is secured with a password and even your data plan. All types and kinds of back ups must be secured with its input and output. The fourth procedure is to review and analyze every post to be created on the web. It must go thru an approval process by the committee.

Facilitate the job of the web designer. It is given that software's always contains error. But with full facilitation and proper action, it can be minimized until the project is finished. Standards and guidelines must be implemented with secured application. After the program is applied, have it tested and make it sure that you uses the proper software for this. This check up would include availability of the application. Logs must be backtracked. In this case, we can avoid cases of incidents and other possible damaged as we can detect the threats coming in. Early warning is very important in this category so we will be aware of the incoming software problem any other forms of viruses and threats.

Deployment of the website must be secured with proper check and tests. Test environment and the live ones are totally different from each other. There might have some function that is not applicable in the test environment but may alter on the live environment. Test and check after making the website available is very crucial. And then the level agreement must be reviewed so the web will be secured even though the website is freely launched and is available for viewing. This may include agreement from contractors, sub- contractors, and even from suppliers. Breaches of security will be identified in the future. And the last thing is the recovery if there would be a possible loss of any data's.

Purpose of a Web Design

by computerextrme02 on

There are only two purposes on a web design. It can be an informative site or a web for e-commerce. In these purposes, it is categorized so it will never be hard to add groupings and identifications.

However, it is hard to maintain the structure and web traffic in this category. For advertisement purposes, it must be factual and informative, and no turning around. A real time changes and updates may be used here to make it more reliable and up to date. The purpose of a web design on this case must be related to that of its target. Benefactors may want to link a web to your host or may want marketing ads from there. A third party link may be needed to gain access or to pass the advertisements to the consumers.

Reliability is on the top list that a benefactor will check if they rely their business to your website. So it must be a package of everything before they can decide that they want to advertise using your host. There is just one thing that might impress them at first look. It must be the design of the website and its content. By just a glance, we can easily identify if the website is good, better, or even the best. These categories then will enables the flow of traffic to your web, which is the strong point of your existence.

The other purpose is for sales or e-commerce. This is in category of sales, as this sells products and/or services online. Their targets at most times are the elite online shoppers. People today are reliable on phones and online transactions. These must have a strong selling tactics and effective marketing processes. Maintenance is strongly needed on a real time basis. We make it sure that all online orders are processed real time with the right updated prices and even the quantity. There might be a lot of orders ordered in a second, and the quantity needs to be real time so as the secure payment.

In some cases, owners will choose to do both. These could be a complicated task that needs a keen and closer observation. Categories in marketing strategy and unique selling point must be combined to make it a blast for online visitors. This last option is on practiced by some of the biggest companies worldwide. They maximize their influence and contacts together with a fragile, advance, and closer look on a real time updates. Purpose of a web design on this case is getting complicated. Some features may be available but could be a possible conflict to another category. So it must be reliable, factual with evidence, never subjective not even theoretical. And the objectives must surely be related to have of your benefactor. But you can put all your potentials on the web and have it categorized in a manner where it belongs. If you can do all of these, technique according to purpose, you can scream to the network that you have an all in one package and an individual deal for everyone.

Knowing the Strategies on Web Design

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On every website that is launched worldwide, there are lots of factors that need to be considered and checked to maximize the full potential for gaining profit. Strategies on web designs are ways to gain these potentials and earn maximum profit.

In every action made on the world of business is an action plan and facts based on research and studies. Depending on the purpose, assets and liabilities, sources, and business categories. These factors will help to company and establish their tools and a total maximization of their potential and assets. And these also apply in strategies of web designs.

Strategies on this web design can strongly affect the production of an entire organization. On the first list is the factor of its purpose. A website can be a marketing source, or just a plain website, e-commerce or we better know an online shopping websites, or maybe a combination of those. In every partition, there are available strategies, which are proven based on consumer research and studies. If chosen a wrong option, it will be a total risk or even a guarantee of money looses. The other factor that needs to be considered is the target. There are many sub categories for this. It may be a target to earn name by promotions, third party access, or online stores. Other sub categories will include the target as the benefactor. It may be a consumer depending on age level, or even businesspeople from small size to a big corporation.

The other factor would be the pros and the cons of its purpose. You can only do consideration successfully if you put yourself in the end of benefactor. You may wish to ask what are the things that you need and then have it applied but do a thorough study before you apply this, as this would be a subjective part. You may consider a survey first or there are survey medias that you can use if you think that you can trust them or you can just find a reliable source so your purpose will not at stake.

The final talk is about money. Good businesses do not spend investments without any returns. It is a consideration at a must that income must be categorized. There are ways where an income can be generated. It could be on the form of direct selling through your products or services, a pure advertisement website that carries traffic to a third party link, referral program as affiliations, or by membership fess.

After the final identification, it is strongly suggest knowing your rival's positions on the market. Know their strength and weaknesses if possible and have it improved on your web where you can offer a good combo. Then focus on your strength and make it sure that it is enough to maintain market value and standing on the market level. These strategies on web design can realize your company's growth and potential even beyond expectation.

Keys and Factors to Consider Web Design on Success

by computerextrme02 on

There are three main factors to consider in web designing. These three main foundations are the key to succeed on this web design program. It is very important that we have a full understanding of this project before we go deeper and do the right decision with responsibility for such action.

In making a website, we would look for somebody who could do the website for us. But before you choose any of those firm, make it sure that you have the right choice and you will have the proper decision. I suggest that you consider the reference first. Take a look at the website of your web designer, in this way, you can overview and look forward with your imagination about your future website. If you think the website make you feel comfortable to browse and gives you the urge and interest to stay for a minute, then maybe that is the one that you're looking for.

The other big factor is the budget. Know the package and see what's the best package that fits your need. Know the price and do your calculation. Consider if the price of the website can return your investment, not just return your investment but makes you more profit and more assets. Remember that it is just a give and take. You pay them for the service but make it that you will get your target after the website. You may use the web as online store or you may want it as a marketing site to bring traffic to other unsuccessful sites. Make it sure that you bring your site to this factor or else you have to advertise your website to some successful sites which would only cost you extra expenses. The bottom point is for you to make a total calculation for the entire service and do the equation yourself. Just give a little buffer just in case.

Other factor to consider is your expectation. Of course, an expectation is set, but make it sure that it is reachable. It is very crucial to plan in advance. It will provide an answer for a question, what and how would you like to see your website and business after a period of contract. And it must be in reality. Don't just listen to any offer or something good from somebody. Listen to your own intuition and have it studied. And you must also discuss about the interface of your website. Lay your plans and outlooks. Make it sure that both parties are on the same page. From theory to application must be thoroughly explained and elaborated. At most times, a designer will offer their tools and effective plans but you can negotiate with it if you happen to find it inappropriate to your needs. It would still end to your desired standard, purpose, and aim.

Factors to consider in web designing are wide to vary depending on standards. At the end of the plan, it is still your desired lay out that will be created. That desired lay out though does not mean subjective. It must be factual based from studies and facts.

How will a Company be affected with the Web Design and Strategy?

by computerextrme02 on

The world of business is a world of competition. Every businessman is finding ways to go beyond the strategy and left their competitor's way behind from them. This is the aim of every businessman and they look the web as the easy and simple way to enhance their potential. The impact of web design has a very big influence for them. Here are the common potential that you may gain from this.

Web design's impact is big enough to benefit a company. It will make the company working 24/7. Access to your business can be done anywhere with less manpower. Instead of hiring people to work 24/7, you may have a website that will the rest of the job. The convenient of online will bring them to your company's portal. Updates and changes can be posted online making it hassle-free for your clients.

Your web will serve as an advertisement for your products and services also. Some inquiries can be answered online only if you refer your clients to your web, making it less stressful for your employees. A self-guided tool can be added to your web so clients can just do a self-service transaction. The website though needs to have an aesthetic program making it more elite and user-friendly. Making your web totally different from the rest will do this trick. With this concern, a survey may be needed to make it more effective. You may consider reviewing the competitor's web. You can take note of their good and negative aspects. After all, you can summarize the areas for improvement of most webs and have it developed on your web plus the additional good sides that your company have.

Test from some variations will be checked thru actual surveys. You can have a group of person visit your web and see their reactions and comments. Take note of the time and notice the duration of their stay on your web. And notice facial expressions as well. Or you may consider checking their mood after use. This will include their satisfaction or dissatisfaction. This will affect the attitude of client if they wanted to go back to your web or not. This factor will affect your marketing strategy.

Or in some cases, you may ask them of their direct objectives about the total impact of our web and also their feedback. But make it sure that you joined and consider their facial expression. Make a data of your target market and then have it compare to the data you got from the series of test you've had from a certain group of people.

You can prepare a questionnaire to test their objections and suggestions. It doesn't mean that you need to follow their exact suggestions but at least you have something to look forward as a comparison. Web design has a big impact on your business thus making it advantageous that the rest of the competitors.


by computerextrme02 on

To get the most from your managed IT services company, you will need to know what to look for and what sort of questions you need to ask in order to find out what solutions they offer, and how they can help your specific IT needs. First, you need to determine what your primary needs are however - are you seeking ongoing support for a large network and server, or do you simply need a reliable IT company to call when you run into problems within your small office? Once you have that sorted, make a list of the number of computers within your office or network, so that the company will have an idea of your requirements. You can then present this list along with a basic overview of the programs and systems you would prefer, to discuss how they can assist.
Questions that you can ask the managed IT services company include the following:
• What services do you offer as part of your monthly service package?
This should include basic maintenance of systems, plus other basics such as anti-virus program installation, spyware removal, internet related tasks, server management and other obvious solutions. Depending on your needs, your managed IT services company will then draw up a contract and you will be billed for the amount of hours spent on site. Obviously, it you have a large company with a number of regular duties; this will differ from ad hoc work for a smaller company. Make sure to ask for a full list of services available to you.
• What technical skills and qualifications do your technicians have?
To ensure that you do not end up with more problems than you started with, always ask about how skilled and qualified the technicians at your managed IT services company are. While some technicians may be fresh out of studies, they may possess much talent and understanding of systems - and with so many starting to learn at a young age, even programmers that seem young may be highly experienced. Technicians should be experienced within all major fields, from Microsoft technologies to Apple, plus they should be fully skilled in all programming languages to ensure that they have the skills to deal with any and every IT situation.
• Can I source hardware and software from your company?
While this may seem like a given, not all IT services companies give you good deals on hardware and programs purchased through their company. A good IT provider has an excellent network of preferred suppliers, giving you the best discounts on products straight from the wholesalers. Plus, a good company will also offer consolidated billing, ensuring that you can manage all work and products sourced from one single invoice.


by computerextrme02 on

Slow PC loading problem is a common trouble that makes people mad. The speed is decreasing after using it for a long period of time. Basically, this common trouble occurred because of several things like there is a corrupt file, visiting websites, opening program, files and folders, viruses and etc. If you get this problem, do not worry! You still have the way on how to speed your PC in a flash.
Do not know how to boost up the speed of your computer system?
Start to check your desktop! Do not ever keep unused files in your PC. It will reduce the speed of your computer system. Just delete them quickly before your PC becomes slow. Also, if you have unused programs in your PC, do not think twice to remove it. As you know, unused programs will generate some files and automatically reduce your computer system's performance.
Reduce automatic starting programs. It takes a long time to run a program in your PC when another automatic programs start to load. Just choose one or two automatic program in your PC to help windows starts quickly.
Make sure that you have known the capacity of memory of your hardware. If you think the memory is not too big, do not ever put on applications that will slow down your computer system. Most people like to set funny visual effects windows, fading menus, games, and etc. Choose the appropriate application to be set in your PC to improve your computer system.
